Research Program

AIPD's research program focuses on three key questions:

  • How can AI/ML algorithms support earlier diagnosis, stratification into patient subgroups, prognosis, and detection of treatment response?
  • How can AI/ML algorithms contribute to a more objective monitoring of disease symptoms, e.g. via digital voice and gait recordings, and neuroimaging?
  • How can all of that be realized in an ethical, legally compliant and trust preserving manner?

Together, our research thus covers the topics precision neurology, digital health and trustworthiness, which are of utmost relevance to make a clear step to the medicine of the future. In this regard we aim for significant progress beyond the state of the art by:

  • Developing new AI/ML models along the entire journey of a patient to support medical decision making on a more individual basis
  • Pioneering the use of recent causal AI/ML techniques in the context of Parkinson's Disease research.
  • Investigating the impact of the use of AI/ML models on the design of future clinical trials.
  • Providing novel insights into the suitability of individual data modalities (including digital and neuroimaging markers), e.g. for disease risk prediction, treatment response monitoring
  • Assessing the generalizability of AI/ML models across cohorts and developing innovative algorithmic solutions to enhance the generalizability of AI/ML models.
  • Providing understanding of the ethical, legal and regulatory basis of the use of AI in medical practice including, GDPR, AI Act, European Health Data Space and Good Clinical Practice.